살모바카라사이트 비타임 발생 원인 불분명

Combined Vet Services vet Karen Nicholson, of Gore, is warning 바카라사이트 비타임 farmers about a salmonella...
Combined Vet Services vet Karen Nicholson, of Gore, is warning 바카라사이트 비타임 farmers about a salmonella outbreak in Southland and Clutha this season. 사진 : Shawn McAvinue
살모바카라사이트 비타임 바카라사이트 비타임는 남쪽의 유제품 농장에서 소를 "슬래 밍"하고있다.

Combined Vet Services vet Karen Nicholson, of Gore, said she had heard "horrible" stories of the disease killing cows in southern Southland.

이 질병은 이번 시즌에 "특히 나쁘다".

"이것은 비정상적인 패턴입니다."

Cows ate the bacteria and if they were under stress, struggled to fight 바카라사이트 비타임 in their guts and became sick, often dehydrated w바카라사이트 비타임h acute diarrhoea.

"최악의 시나리오는 젖소가 죽는다는 것입니다."

Salmonella bacteria could enter a farm by an infected cow carrying 바카라사이트 비타임 on the property.

"When the carrier animal get stressed, they start spreading but there is a l바카라사이트 비타임tle b바카라사이트 비타임 of the unknown."

At a recent 바카라사이트 비타임NZ field day in Eastern Southland, farmers asked Dr Nicholson if the wet spring attracting more waterfowl to farms could be the cause of the disease’s spread.

"우리는 모릅니다.

"We think that maybe that birds are responsible but we also think that there's probably carrier cows as well ... we just don't know."

Ministry of Primary Industries had launched a "salmonella survey" to investigate why the disease was on some farms and not on others.

A vet could provide the survey to any 바카라사이트 비타임 farmer who wanted to contribute, whether they had salmonella on their farm or not.

Cows could be vaccinated for salmonella and need two jabs if they had never had a shot before.

예방 접종에 이상적인 시간은 4 월 또는 5 월에 있었다고 Nicholson 박사는 말했다.

"You don't want to do the second shot too close to dry off because 바카라사이트 비타임 can make the cows feel a l바카라사이트 비타임tle b바카라사이트 비타임 average for a couple of days."

Biosecur바카라사이트 비타임y New Zealand animal health surveillance principal adviser Jonathan Watts said Southland and South Otago had been experiencing a significant outbreak of salmonella in cattle since spring last year.

Salmonella could cause significant sickness and death, impact production and welfare in cattle and could cause sickness in humans.

"We would like to understand the risk factors that have led to this outbreak to help m바카라사이트 비타임igate future outbreaks and to reduce the impact of outbreaks in the future."

Federated Farmers Southland vice 바카라사이트 비타임 chairman Kass Rauber, of Hedgehope, said there more than 100 cases of salmonella on 바카라사이트 비타임 farms in Southland this season.

In a normal year in Southland, about a dozen farms had the disease in their herd during a season.

질병이 젖소를 강타했는데, 특히 분만 중에

Southland는 봄에 극도로 젖었 고 그 영향이 진행되고있었습니다.

"이번 봄부터 피해를 복구하는 데 시간이 오래 걸릴 것입니다."



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