Invercargill city councillors see Mayor Sir Tim Shadbolt as an "unavoidable and inconvenient distraction" but are making things work despite his failings, a new report into the council has found.
A nurse told a Southland man who received two Covid-19 vaccinations in less than two weeks "we might have a problem", straight after the second vaccination was done.
Parents are concerned mock exams, which started online at an Invercargill school yesterday, are putting extra pressure on their children during the Alert Level 4 lockdown.
"You need to abide by the conditions of the lockdown or it will be lockup," Judge Russell Walker told a man appearing in the Invercargill District Court yesterday.
Watching a documentary about food wastage two years ago affected Invercargill man Benji Biswas so much, he decided he needed to do his bit to counteract it.
An aged-care worker told of the shame she felt when family members of people she was caring for complained about the state they found their loved ones in when they came to visit.
Invercargill has been chosen as the first centre in New Zealand to take part in the Thriving Rangatahi project — a six-year investment aimed at helping young people who are excluded and disadvantaged.
In his last official duty, SBS board chairman John Ward announced among other things, a financial year operating surplus of $55.2 million, total assets of $4.8 billion, and then bid farewell to the board he's been with for 19 years.