The Grinch is not responsible for the lack of Christmas lights in Invercargill’s CBD — apparently it is the fault of construction works throughout the city centre.
The ability to access local produce is just one challenge which will need to be overcome in the implementation of the new Southland Murihiku Food Tourism Strategy.
‘‘I am now officially out of my depth.’’ Those were some of the first words newly sworn-in District Court Judge Traicee McKenzie said at her ceremony this week.
A flagpole erected by Bluff father Alexander McKenzie after his two sons died on the same day during World War 1 took a dignified and respectful journey to a new temporary resting place at the weekend.
When Tracey and Tony Laker told their son Flynn (18), who has Down’s syndrome, on Thursday night they would be at home on Monday when he came in from school, his eyes filled with tears of happiness.