It is called the Southland Charity Hospital, but those behind the fledgling venture are keen to extend their invitation for free care to their Otago neighbours.
A fortuitous discovery in the former Cadbury factory offices has enabled the Hudson family to answer questions about its history it thought would remain mysteries forever.
The University of Otago has revealed a more than $1 billion vision for a health precinct it says offers a once-in-a-generation chance to reshape Dunedin’s city centre.
Columnists like to give the impression of being oracles, but it does not take prophetic powers to figure out what is going to happen after this week’s effort rolls off the presses.
The Southern District Health Board is now sorting through expressions of interest in caring for up to 200 cancer patients whose treatment it recently tendered out.
Archaeologists have not stuck a trowel in the dirt on the former Cadbury factory site yet, but have already unearthed a treasure trove of precious historical material.
An eighty-year-old Dunedin man was told there was no Covid-19 vaccine appointment available at the Meridian vaccine centre because they had "run out of vaccine".
Southern nurses go on strike tomorrow because they are fatigued, at breaking point, and constantly worried about patient safety, a local union organiser says.
Maori likely explored Antarctic waters centuries before European navigators and have maintained a close connection with the frozen continent since, an Otago researcher says.
The new Dunedin Hospital will not have enough beds to meet future demand, based on the Government’s own numbers, National Dunedin list MP Michael Woodhouse says.
The Southern District Health Board’s enthusiasm for extending water fluoridation is being resisted by Queenstown Lakes Mayor Jim Boult, who says he is yet to be convinced the region needs it.