New Zealand needs to build and maintain a strong public health system to guard against threats such as Covid-19, Associate Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall says.
A group of Otago academics has called for the designation "Asian" to be removed from health statistics as it fails to present a true impression of people’s wellbeing.
Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean says she was surprised and disappointed a conversation she had with Judith Collins some weeks ago was this week used to dismiss and demote Simon Bridges.
Traffic management around the construction site of the future Dunedin Hospital should be carefully planned before work begins, the NZ Transport Agency has urged.
The Southern region health system has lost seven doctors and 11 nurses who have either resigned or had their employment terminated for refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
A market survey of the residential building supply market won't be a silver bullet to solve the housing industry’s woes, but will help ensure consumers pay a fair price, David Clark says.
Almost two years after it was meant to open its doors to patients, the much-delayed Dunedin Hospital intensive care unit upgrade might finally be on the way towards being commissioned.
The Ministry of Health has rejected a request that it should have a hard upper limit on how much noise it can make preparing the foundations for the new Dunedin Hospital.
Contingency funding for the $1.47billion new Dunedin Hospital project has already been drawn upon, to fund changes to the design for pandemic planning.
Out of step with her colleagues and at odds with public sentiment, Ilka Beekhuis resigned from the Southern District Health Board yesterday over her stance on the Covid-19 vaccine.