Southern nurses say they are sick of putting up with inadequate staffing, broken and missing equipment and threatened IT support.
A govt-funded charity project offering homeless people a five-star forever home in a converted warehouse was nothing more than a "fairy tale", according to a former tenant who says he left in fear.
A former boss of the delayed new Dunedin hospital build has spoken out against repeated leadership changes, saying the tactic doesn’t make sense.
The government has been accused of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic after another shake-up of the new Dunedin hospital build’s leadership.
An open-cast gold mine owner hoping for a fast-tracked expansion in Otago has poor compliance with environmental requirements and no plan to reduce its overall carbon emissions.
Senior officials at Health NZ Te Whatu Ora are raising doubts about the option of refurbishing Dunedin Hospital, sources say.
Three Dunedin schools have been red flagged as being in danger of flooding as sea levels rise due to climate change.
A cost-saving exercise spiralled into a full redesign of the new Dunedin hospital without the knowledge of ministers in the then Labour government, emails obtained by the ODT show.
There are disgruntled and confused voices in the construction industry following extensive redesign and delays to construction of the new Dunedin hospital’s inpatient building.
After a government investigation of a Dunedin landlord’s five boarding houses, the details were kept under wraps. Mary Williams investigates.
Prominent Dunedin boarding house owners were taken to the Tenancy Tribunal, but then the details were kept under wraps.
New Dunedin hospital campaigners have hit back at Health Minister Shane Reti after he released several old reports criticising the beleaguered build’s progress largely under the previous govt.
Incompetence, infighting and unnecessary delays. Mary Williams uncovers the inside story of how the mega-build of Dunedin's new hospital became a tangled mess.
Community heroes were found digging out a drain at the end of a flooded street yesterday where some homes’ floorboards are almost at street level.
The latest flooding in South Dunedin should be a "wake-up call" to central government to fund the area’s climate adaptation, community leaders said yesterday.
Sewage once again spewed on to a street in flood-prone South Dunedin yesterday as heavy rain fell, and one affected business says the council does not "give a s...".
Dunedin millionaire Roger Fewtrell has snapped up land at the top of Baldwin St to help people facing steep house prices.
Presbyterian Support Otago ran children’s homes where abuse happened. It then put a long-serving employee, who had worked in the homes, in charge of the children’s files that the charity later destroyed.
Tents sheltering people at the Oval in Dunedin have disappeared, but charities say the city’s homelessness crisis continues and a solution is still needed.
Two Dunedin services helping vulnerable children and youth are suffering deep funding cuts, causing one to shut its doors to new clients.