What started out as a refit soon turned into a full›on rebuild, which has temporarily deprived Lawrence Area School of eight classrooms, its library, administration and staff amenities.
Stories of old Clutha are coming to life as the Clutha District Council’s Tiffany Jenks continues her work in Lawrence, digitising documents and photos and recording oral histories.
Career aspirations for secondary school pupils was the focus of a flying visit to the Clutha district by Economic and Regional Development Minister Stuart Nash yesterday.
Locals and recent visitors to Balclutha may have sensed a new visual openness at the north end of the town’s main shopping centre, something many will not have seen in their lifetime.
You could be forgiven for thinking a Silver Fern Farms employee was telling porkies with his tale of a late-night, main street encounter with a wild boar.
Danika Tairua on Pedro, leads a mob of 500 dairy cows down the Tuapeka Mouth Rd yesterday morning as part of the annual moving day in the Clutha District.
The ability to walk in the forests and along the beaches of New Zealand is a given for most people but for a few, it’s an exciting new sensory experience.
Learning the moves and secret language used by Chinese lion dancers around the world was all part of the ‘‘how to become a lion dancer’’ workshop held last week in Lawrence.
Proudly showing their commitment to serving their country and becoming better citizens in the spirit their forefathers did as Anzacs, cadets from five New Zealand Cadet Force units in Otago...
Orders and gunfire reverberated through the dense pine forests south of Milton recently as New Zealand Army Reserve Force soldiers from Otago and Southland practised their battle drills.