Otago, from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the Southern Alps, is a region of great beauty, diversity and significance.
Otago is a region of great beauty and diversity. Bruce Munro invites you to discover the region anew through 10 day-trips that tell its story.
Covid-19 has fundamentally changed the world, potentially for the better, Professor Robert Patman says.
Brain conditions ranging from Tourette syndrome to dyslexia and autism make life complicated enough without the added burden of prejudice and exclusion. Bruce Munro talks to parents, experts and some outstanding neurodiverse individuals finding their way in an ‘‘ableist’’ world.
Jacinda Ardern’s choice of Foreign Minister fits with the Prime Minister’s aspiration to play "a prominent role" on the global stage. Prof Robert Patman believes.
A new photographic exhibition celebrating women in Stem fields is aimed at a much broader audience and a much bigger goal than you might expect.
Ethiopia tottering on the edge of civil war has alarming implications for New Zealand, foreign affairs specialist Professor Robert Patman says.
Even the Covid-19 pandemic has not been able to overcome the deep divisions the presidential election has revealed in United States society, an Otago academic says.
Even the Covid-19 pandemic has not been able to bridge the deep divisions the Presidential election has revealed in the United States society, Professor Robert Patman says.
After half a century of road safety work that has seen him lauded and reviled, exhilarated and distressed, Graeme Rice has retired. Much has changed, but important changes are still to come, he tells Bruce Munro.
The threat of disinformation is real. A week after elections, in which conspiracies played a bigger role than ever before, Bruce Munro talks to the Chief Censor, and others, about how best to tackle it.
France has adopted NZ's approach to tackling terror as the European nation struggles to deal with the beheading of school teacher by a Muslim extremist.
Bruce Munro talks to acclaimed NZ writer Vincent O’Sullivan about the joys, insights and frustrations of writing a biographical portrait of his late friend, Ralph Hotere - one of this country’s most significant, yet private, artists.
Bruce Munro speaks to researcher Anita Gibbs about her campaign for change and hears from distraught parents pleading for help for their children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
A border war between two former Soviet states has dangerous potential to put Turkey and Russia on a collision course, Professor Robert Patman says.
Mental strength and the timing of a Covid vaccine could determine who is the next president of the United States, Professor Robert Patman says.
A new Dunedin landfill is proposed for Smooth Hill, beyond Brighton. But does the city need a six million cubic metre hole in the ground in which to bury its waste? Bruce Munro asks around.
New Zealand politicians need to say whether they would hold the United Kingdom to account if elected, Professor Robert Patman says.
Advising government ministers during the Covid-19 pandemic has been some of the most challenging yet satisfying work Nat Christensen has done.
Whether rescuing an abandoned kitten, writing and illustrating dark, engaging stories, or lobbying parliament about miscarriage, Kathryn van Beek’s life is one of sowing good seed — a real...